BestChoiceFlatFee's Flat Fee MLS Listing   vs. Traditional  Real Estate Companies

There is no difference between our "Flat Fee MLS" listings compared to any other real estate companies listings.

The MLS or the"Mulitiple Listing Service is the database agents use to market their listings. MLS's are specific to a geographical area. For example, here in Michigan, there are around 15 MLS's. Each specific to a given area like the southeast Michigan area, Grand Rapids, Traverse City and so on.  

The bottom line is there is only one MLS in an area a seller can into. We listing in the same MLS as if you listed with any top producing agent! 

Once a property is listed in the MLS, it automatically goes to,, and hundreds of other small sites. The datafeed is automatice from the MLS so there is no way any agent can turn "On" or "Off" their listings. If they do turn the feed off it turns all of their listings off.
Traditional agents cannot separate our "Flat Fee MLS" listings versus any other listing! Some estimates state better than 92% to 95% of all homes sell simply by getting a property listed into the Local MLS.  

The bottom line is there is little else even a top producing agent can do to sell your property after it is listed and with thousands of agents that are members of the MLS, usually the buyer comes from another office anyway.  So, at least with our "Flat Fee MLS" listing you get everything a traditional agent give you but save at least half of the commission!  Keep in mind that if you find your own buyer then you owe NO commission other than the fee you paid up front. 

These are the reasons our Flat Fee MLS listing is simply the way to go! It is a win-win for everyone. FIrst, we make money (not much as we have to make it up on volume.  Second, you, the seller save half worst case, you save everything best case (less our fee). Third, we fully cooperate with the Realtor community (by virtue of the MLS sharing). So, we think it is simply the best business model period, it is fair to all parties.

We bring 35 years of experience, over 5,200 listings to the table to help you sell and save.
Thank you,
Jeff Kermath
broker / owner
734-649-4903 cell
Email me with any questions

Flat Fee MLS Listing Michigan Cities

Detroit | Grand Rapids | Warren | Sterling Heights | Ann Arbor | Lansing | Clinton | Flint | Canton | Dearborn | Livonia | Macombship | Troy | Shelby | Westland | Farmington Hills | Wyoming | Kalamazoo | Rochester Hills | Southfield | Waterford | West Bloomfield | Novi | Taylor | Royal Oak | Pontiac | St. Clair Shores | Ypsilanti | Dearborn Heights | Georgetown | Kentwood | Battle Creek | Portage | Saginaw | East Lansing | Chesterfieldship | Roseville | Redford | Commerce | Meridian | Midland | Bloomfield | Orion | Saginaw | Holland | Pittsfield | Independence | Grand Blanc | Muskegon | Lincoln Park |

About Us


Kermath Realty is a licensed Michigan real estate company, not a 3rd party referral company. The broker, Jeff Kermath has been a licensed real estate broker for over 35 years. Jeff inputs and oversees his listings to ensure accuracy & success!

Our Contacts

Jeff Kermath


License #6505330456