For Sale By Owner
Delaware County Pennsylvania

List on the REALTOR® MLS for a low flat fee

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Questions & Answers

Answers to important Flat Fee MLS questions.

There are good ones and bad ones, just like real estate agents. What you are looking for is a NON 3rd PARTY site. You want a company that you can call and talk to before listing (that will be your listing company). A full service flat fee company is normally better.
Yes, Flat Fee Listing has been around a long time. The key to selling a home is pricing it right and getting on the MLS. Most sellers find homes on the internet and nobody cares how much the listing agent makes for listing.
Getting it listed on the MLS with an experienced flat fee agent and price your home correctly. A good flat fee agent can guide you through the entire process.
We are group of Flat Fee Brokers (licensed in each state) and not a 3rd party referral site. You will be dealing directly with your broker.
For many years. Many brokers started doing flat fee with the internet gain popularity around the year 2000.
None. Choose a good full service flat fee broker and you will be getting one the best brokers in the business. Way better than most agents than work for one of those "franchise brands".

Flat Fee MLS Listing Pennsylvania Cities

Philadelphia | Pittsburgh | Allentown | Erie | Reading | Upper Darbyship | Scranton | Bethlehem | Lower Merionship | Bensalemship | Lancaster | Abingtonship | Bristolship | Millcreekship | Lower Paxtonship | Haverfordship | Harrisburg | MiddleTownship | York | Altoona | State College | Manheimship | Wilkes-Barre | Hempfieldship | Penn Hillsship | Northamptonship | Cheltenhamship | Norristown | Chester | Fallsship | Upper Merionship | Lower Makefieldship | Lower Macungieship | Warminstership | Bethel Park municipality | Cranberryship | Radnorship | Hampdenship | Mount Lebanonship | Ridleyship | Rossship | North Huntingdonship | Tredyffrinship | Yorkship | Williamsport | Springship | McCandlessship | Whitehallship | Shalership | Monroeville municipality |

About Us


We are on the cutting edge in real estate services. We utilize the technology available to us and to our customers to enable us to offer valuable services and a reasonable price. Some of the technology used includes everything from the internet to things like electronic signatures. Our new website helps us streamline much of the listing process. Our Flat Fee MLS customers can upload their photos, complete their listing documents and sign them electronically, request changes to their MLS listing, etc.

Our Contacts

Chris Carr


License #RM420776